Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Exhibition Package

Here at Giraffe we are always looking to give our clients, both existing and new, new products.

We have just launched our Classic 850 Exhibition Package. Although not yet uploaded on our website, it is NOW available to order.

The package comprises of, 1 x Pop-Up counter, with laminated graphic and 2 x Classic 850 (Plus) Roll-Up Banners.

The graphic on the Pop-Up counter is also laminated to give extra durability and, if you wish can be replaced as you information/circumstances change (chargeable).

In the course of the coming days/weeks, we will be adding some more products and packages.

Jason Giraffe

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Where do our Banners go?

Here at Giraffe, we produce many banners, and other products, for a whole range of clients, including designers and printers. We know who our clients are and what they do, but we do not always know where our banners will be exhibited.

So, it was very exciting that one of our products is being displayed in John Lewis (Oxford Street) today by our new client Zebra Ceramics.

Zebra Ceramics do all things ceramics, as the name suggests, whether you want to paint pottery, create mementos with your little ones hand and foot prints, celebrate a birthday party, plus much more.

Friday, 23 November 2012

'A'-Frame Banners

We were recently asked by Fox Davies Estates to supply 4 banners which could be used outside and also that could be hung if necessary at another event inside or out. We suggested our 'A'-Frame banner system.

The frame is aluminium (25mm tubes) with reinforced plastic mouldings, and is a simple 'push fit' assembly with plastic 'flush-fit' connectors.

The frames can be fitted with either 1 or 2 banners, which are secured by 'bungees'

The great thing about using this system is that it can be used time and time again, and with a different banner for the occasion, no need to buy more hardware.

The system comes with the bungees, for attaching your banners, guide pegs, and comes in a carry-bag. When used in conjunction with the 'guide-pegs' the system will withstand winds of between 18-24mph - Beaufort Scale 5.

If you would like further information on this, or any other product please email us jason@giraffepress.co.uk or visit our website www.giraffepress.co.uk.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

To Proof or NOT to Proof

Is it necessary to proof and re-proof? In my opinion yes very much so. By proofing, even if it is a repeat order, both the client and the printer are safeguarded against any errors.
Over the years proofing and re-proofing has proved to be an essential part of producing what the client needs/wants.
Most clients have a busy schedule, and print becomes the last thing on their minds, even to the point that they sometimes do not remember what exactly they were supplied previously, meaning, that they may have wanted a change for next times product, or maybe they have had a phone number change. By re-proofing a previously printed job means that they will notice/remember that a change was to be made.
With regards to a new job, a proof is of paramount importance, yes, we the printers/designers do make errors, as we all do, no one is perfect.
Although sending a proof may add to the timescale it saves both the client and printer valuable time and money.

Happy proof reading.

Jason Giraffe