Monday, 14 June 2010


Lost, strange we lose things through life, not just material possessions but people also.

Material things can be replaced, so they are no sad loss.

But when you lose people that hurts, it is like your heart has been ripped out, and given to the ravenous birds of the air, and devouring beasts of the plain.

I have over the last few years, 4 or so, lost some very dear people, who were very close to my heart. Someone though has been another special person there, ready in the sidelines, to continue in their absence, but I always feared the worst, that there would not be a replacement, someone to take over form those dear people.

Alas, I am once again in that predicament, but this time, I really do not see that replacement, that special person that I can confide in, that special person that is there to support me in times of need, and likewise of course, I for there for them, which I hasten to add, gives me much pleasure, being able to support that special person also.

It also seems to come at a time when things are really beginning to move forward, advance, prosper, then BANG, the ultimate happens, and they drift into obscurity.

I once knew someone, that continually said how much of a support I was for them, how much they adored me, how much I reminded them of someone close and dear to them at one time in their life, yet they to have now gone.

Will someone so special ever be replaced? How can they be replaced? Can you actually replace someone? Contradictory perhaps to the aforementioned comment earlier in this post, that special person has always been replaced, maybe replaced is the wrong word, perhaps it is the soul of the previously lost person coming back, but in a different disguise.

So long my dear friends, I wish you all well, where ever you are dispersed over the face earth and water, wishing you safe return to your chosen place, should you so desire.

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