Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Whole System

The whole world is going downhill, or is it?

My take on the whole scenario is, the UK, US and other Western Countries, have exploited all they can from every source, except the Middle East.

As the economies of the West falter and fail, they are in desperate need to source other revenue streams, or find blame for it's failings.

Now, by going to war in Middle East, this serves 2 purposes, 1, they can blame terrorism as to the reasons of conflict, and thereby the reason as to why the economies are failing, or 2, increase revenue streams by controlling in full, the natural resources these Middle Eastern countries have, and thereby increasing revenue streams quite dramatically.

You see, although the West considers Bin Laden & Co. to be a terrorist and terrorist organisation, was he, Bin Laden, or Al-Qaeda really as such, I mean, did Bin Laden just head -up and construct the 9/11 incident, or was it in retaliation?

With regard to the uprisings in the Middle East and N. Africa, there is more to it Either a) these have been orchestrated by, the West, and in particular by the US, or b) because they are fed up with their Governments NOT stopping the attempted take-over of their lands by the West.

So, either way the West will eventually lose this battle, money is running out, or in fact HAS run out, the US is pretty much unable to sustain it's economy, especially in war. So it appears that Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and all it's alliances have won this war, and yet, have done so through sitting back and watching the West using all their resources, and slowly but surely running out of them.

Monday, 6 June 2011


Did you know there is a material on the market, which we can supply and print, which is self adhesive.

The material concerned is an 'easy tack' adhesive satin polypropylene with a thickness of 170mics, tear resistant and can be used repeatedly.

It will stick to almost any flat surface including, emulsioned walls and wood, and can be removed from these surfaces easily without leaving any glue residue. It can then be reapplied somewhere else, even to wallpaper, and it will not damage the paper underneath when you want to remove it.

If you would like to know more about this, or any media we can print on, please email us and we will be happy to quote you.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


After some research, to confirm my thoughts, I have discovered that YES, Earthquakes are on the increase.

My reason for researching this was to ascertain my thoughts reasons behind the increase.

Yes, it is true that earthquakes have been happening for many thousands of years, but are definitely increasing, and in my opinion at an alarming rate.

I have let my theory be known to many, including Geologists and the like, only to be denounced by the so called 'experts'.

Anyway here it is, and, I'll do my best to explain in as legible and understanding way as possible.

Our earth, as in most hot and mechanical things need a coolant, and of some kind of absorbing buffer. Oil is both, it is cooling, and can also be used to absorb shock, much in the same way as our joints have a jelly like substance to stop the bones/joints rubbing against each other. Earth, in my opinion, needs similar elements to 'work' correctly. So much has, and still is removed from our planet, that this must have an effect on it, as for one, the space left behind after removing the oil must be replaced with something, or does it leave a 'vacuum', if so, this is even more worrying! Removing such an important property from the earth, will, again in my opinion, leave the earth 'dry' and with no 'buffer' to absorb any shock or movement, hence, rock etc etc rubbing against each other.

My second part to my theory is, 'Nuclear Bomb' testing. Deep holes are drilled, caverns made, to test these nuclear weapons, and, like a shotgun cartridge, which, when in an enclosed/confined space, as in a shotgun, become extremely lethal. A shotgun cartridge is pretty useless, and will cause no damage, apart from maybe some burns. So, explode nuclear bombs in such a confined space, and the damage caused to the earths crust/structure is immense, radioactive wise, minimal if anything, structure damage, immeasurable. This in turn damages the already existing 'fault lines' in our earth, much like a crack in a windscreen, it starts out as as just a small crack, then, the more it is subject to knocks or vibrations it increases in size, until, one day, it cracks open.

I hope this is understandable by all who read it, you can of course post comments here, and any questions pertaining to my theory of 'Increased Earthquakes'.

Kind Regards

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

FREE Labels

To celebrate the installation of our new machine this week, Versacamm VS-420, we will be giving away 1/2sqm of self adhesive printed labels to 1 lucky winner.

This amounts to approx' 250 labels at a size of 35mm x 35mm, more if they are smaller, less if they are bigger, printed on Gloss Block-out permanent self adhesive material.

Your labels can be cut to any shape you like.

If you want a chance to win then retweet and DM me your answer to my question.

Our new machine can also print metallic colours in addition to the standard Pantone colours.

Q. In print, what does CMYK stand for.

Please Note: Artwork must be supplied by you in a print ready format.
Metallic colours are inclusive of our competition.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Counter Productive

I have thought and mentioned before now certain, as I perceive, crazy ideas.
Firstly, increasing retirement age, great idea? I don't think so, and never did. The government obviously thought it was a great Tax benefit to them/the country. But all this has done has reduced the jobs available to our children leaving school, so, what did or do the government do to counter this, they increase the school leaving age to 18.
There again, not a good move. Many children who are considered as disruptive are, IMO, only disruptive because they are not particuarly 'academic' and want/need more practical skills. So to enforce these children to stay at school until they are 18 is just increasing the problem.What we should be doing is bringing back industry to this country, and in doing so we would be bringing back skilled tradesmen/women and therefore bringing value back to our workforce and country.
It seems these days that our nation is too proud to do the more 'menial' tasks, and far easier and simpler to 'farm out' these jobs.
As more and more work is farmed out by the BIG companies, service seems to go down, complaints rise about customer service, as in, we do not appear to get the service and we should, yet the cost of telephone, insurance etc etc continues to rise, yet the companies supplying these services are continually sourcing cheaper options, predominantly by outsourcing to places like India. Their (ie: BT) profits grow, our service goes down, but our costs go up?
Also council tax, it rises every year, and more than the rate of inflation! yet, we are expected to 'sort' our own rubbish, wheel our wheelie bins to a convenient location for collection, and expected to dump our recyclable rubbish ourselves! Ok, I have no problem doing this, but should it not be our choice?
Furthermore, do we really need so much packaging, what happend to the good old brown paper bag, so much easier to recycle than plastic.
The way I see it is, the government encourage so much packaging in order to TAX it/us, so the end result is bigger revenue for the government. It is all a government scam. As is, global warming, yes, these severe weather conditions are supposedly to do with global warming, yet, it's been approximately 120 since the last worst winter, so did global warming exist then, probably, but then there were NO cars around! so who or what was contributing then?