Thursday, 30 September 2010

Network Nouveau

Last night I went to a great event, hosted by Howard Tingley & Jelena Kozomora. I met Howard and Jelena at the Business Start Up Show, held at ExCel London earlier this year.

Howard contacted me approximately 3 weeks ago, enquiring about producing banners for his networking business and event on the 29th September 2010, and would I be interested in attending his event on the 29th September.

I produced the banners, and attended last nights event, with various banners in tow for other attendees, thanks to Howard & Jelena, who with their help procured the work for me.

The event was absolutely fantastic, magnificently hosted.

Network Nouveau is definitely the place to be if you want to grow your business.

Next event is on 14th October, at Rydges Kensington Plaza, 61 Gloucester Road, Kensington SW7 4PE.

You can book online by clicking on the above link.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, 6 September 2010


Just a little to long to tweet, so I thought I would 'blog' my latest testimonial.

"Jason of GiraffePress always provides us with a great and personal service, high quality printing and unbeatable prices, probably the best printer in London"
Pants to Poverty